Khans of Route 5

The Route from Sakarya to Sivas

This part of study is focused on the Seljukid caravanserais between the cities Düzce, Bolu, Ankara, Çankırı, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Nevşehir and Kayseri.

On the Kırşehir-Aksaray road, 18 km from Kırşehir. According to the inscription, it is in the village of Kesikköprü near Kızılırmak, in the narrow south of the city, (Kırşehir governor Nüreddin) Jibril b. It was built by Cece (Caca Beg) and completed in 667 Muharram (September 1268). Its hall is 16.50 x24.5 m, its courtyard is 19x3, 50 m. The size of the closed part is 10 stone-footed (Özergin, 1965:146). Also the Khan has T plan typology. The courtyard portal is to the south, and the enclosed part to the east.The arch stones of the entrance part of the flat arch were decorated with intricate ditch motifs as carving and relief (Akok & Özgüç, 1958).

The historical road to Kayseri without stopping by Bünyan on the old Kayseri-Malatya road passes through Karatay Inn (in Karadayı village, 4 km south of Elbaşı) (İlter,1969) the building was built by Anatolian Seljuk vizier Celaleddin Karatay in 1240. The caravanserai, which has both a covered section and a courtyard, also has a mosque and a bath. The building, which was built on a large scale to match the Sultan inns, is in the group of inns consisting of open (service areas) and closed (shelter) sections. Both sections are rectangular in the north-south direction, and the open section in the south is larger (Dursun, 2016).

This outstanding han, the second largest in Turkey, is another enduring legacy of the Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad. One of the most luxurious hans ever built, the Kayseri Tuzhisar Sultan Han was the five-star "Hilton" of its day. Its kiosk mosque in the courtyard, decorated with fierce dragons, is the finest example known ( Sultanhanı Caravanserai is one of the typical Seljuk caravanserais. Although Seljuk caravanserais are designed up to the same plan, they also have different looks. This difference can be clarified with additional structures or elements. Sultanhanı is also distinguished from other caravanserais in appearance with its kiosk masjid in the courtyard ( The entrance to the courtyard is provided through the crown door in the middle of the north facade, ,which has largely lost its original structure and was renovated during repairs.While the eastern part of the courtyard has a double portico arrangement, the western part consists of a row of indoor spaces and a bathhouse (hamam) next to each other (Şükrü, 2016).

The Karakurt Han is located on the Kirşehir-Kocahisar road, in the village of Karalar, 16 km from the city of Kirşehir. Kiliç Arslan, the second son of Sultan Suleyman, apparently built a structure at these hot springs, known as the Kalendar Baba Springs, in 1136 ( is an example of a different inn from the Anatolian Seljuks, which has been used in conjunction with shelter and hot springs, as it is planned with an understanding that treats the natural hot water source coming out of it as a service element that enriches functionality (Yılmaz, 2017).Since the construction inscription of the Karakurt han-spa is not available today, the date of construction cannot be precisely known. According to Eyice (1971), these facilities were not before the year of 1272 with the structures we see now.

The Dolay Han is located on the Kayseri-Develi-Aksaray road near the village of Tilköy, about 12 km northeast of the Derinkuyu district. It is on the former caravan route linking Konya to Kayseri. The region is also known as the Manai and is famous for its distinctive rock houses ( The first short news about this caravanserai, which was called Til Caravanserai in the public since it was located in the village of Til, but which the locals have called the Dolay Han for a long time, did not pass between 1933 and 1942. The Han, which is composed of only a closed part without a courtyard, has 16 columns arranged in four rows according to its width and length. Unlike many Seljuk Caravanserais, its middle nave is without dome. It is also fastened with two reinforcement belts that press the stirrups to the high vault with regular molding.There is no decor or inscription built in the Inn, so it is not possible to determine the exact construction date. However, considering the plan and arrangement of this Seljuk Caravanserai, it is thought to belong to the last quarter of the 13th century (Akok & Özgüç, 1958).

The location of khans in this part is not exact.

Çandır Han

A Seljuk Inn in the ruins between Çayırşehir and Çandır. In fact, in a vineyard to the right of the road, about 5 km before Çandır, there are a few wall remains that are stripped from all the molds and still at some point about 5 km high. There is also a column drum in the ground(Erdmann, 1961)

İspile/Espidi Han

The Ispile Han is located 17 km from Kayseri on the Tomarza Road, to the northeast of the village of Başakpinar. It is located in the middle of a field, some 400 meters from the road, inaccessible by vehicle.On the Kayseri-Elbistan-Aleppo caravan route, the first destination after exiting Kayseri was the Ispile Han. It is dated to the 13th century. As it is located on the same road as the Kayseri Sultan Han, this han is considered a relay station, perhaps for mail and diplomatic messages. The majority of the walls of the han have collapsed.The majority of the walls have collapsed. Only a few sections remain. The ruins are located in the middle of a field some 500 meters from the road (

Köprüköy/Çeşnigir Han

Çeşnigir - Köprüköy Han. On the Kırşehir-Ankara road. 88 km from Kırşehir, near Kızılırmak and near the Çeşnigir bridge. There is no inscription. It is not available now (Özergin, 1965)


Çekereksu Hanı

The han is on the left bank of the Çekereksu, just before it turns north.A modern street is not available. In Seljuk times, it must have belonged to an as yet uncleared road that led from Kayseri to Amasya and crossed the river near the Han's on a destroyed bridge that was being built on during our visit (Erdmann, 1961).

Çamalak Han

It is 45 km far from Kırşehir, in the east of Malya desert, in Çamalak Village, northeast of Seyfe Lake (Tarım, C.H.,1938). On the Kirşehir-Zile Road. This route crossed the ruined Karabiyik Bridge and arrived at the Çamalak Han to the north of Kirşehir, but which no longer exists. The village of Çamalak is located to the northeast of the Seyfe Lake, 45km from Kirşehir. Legend saus that the stones of this han were dismantled and taken to Yozgat to be used in the construction of the Çapanoğlu Mosque. (Özergin, 1965; Eravşar O, 2017) )


Osmanlı Abacılar Hanı

Sultanönü Taşhan

Şahruh Köprüsü Hanı

Şahruh-Köprü Inn is on the road to Sivas-Kayseri and 4 km from Gemerek village. To the north, next to the bridge over Acı - water flowing to Kızılırmak. It is 30 km far from Şarkışla. It has no inscription. It is in ruins.(Özegin, 1965; Erdmann, 1961)

Hocahasan Han