
Map of the Zones


About the Course

Architectural Design Computing at Istanbul Technical University, is a graduate program under the Department of Informatics, provides training in master and doctorate levels. The course, MBL 617E Special Topics in Architectural Design Computing, Theory and Methods in Digital Heritage, is an introduction to Digital Heritage and has a two-fold purpose. In addition to giving an overview of theories and principles in digital heritage, both in Turkey and internationally, the course gives an introduction to research methods in three areas related to cultural heritage: collection/management, visualization/communication, and analysis/ interpretation. The aim of this course is to help students understand the link between cultural heritage and computing; to introduce key issues in digital heritage; to provide students with the basic theoretical and practical knowledge of digital methods such as GIS, AR/VR, AI.

The collective efforts of the course participants is part of a digital heritage project on Caravanserais of Anatolia and of Iran, entitled “Stigmergy as a Tool for Uncovering Anatolian Urban Networks of the Past”, directed by Dr. Varinlioglu, as part of her Fulbright Fellowship. The later stages of this project will be conducted at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture, hosted by Prof. Takehiko Nagakura.
